Bacteriophage Ecology Group

Bacteriophage Ecology Group Bacteriophage Ecology Group

cI / CI

The phage lambda (λ) repressor gene (cI) and protein (CI).

Phages with mutations in gene cI are unable to lysogenize. They are also unable to productively infect existing phage λ lysogens. The "c" stands for "clear" as in clear plaque mutant.


Little, J. W. (2005). Lysogeny, prophage induction, and lysogenic conversion. In: Phages: Their Role in Bacterial Pathogenesis and Biotechnology. Waldor, M. K., Friedman, D. I., and Adhya, S. L. (eds), ASM Press, Washington, DC, pp. 37-65.

Ptashne, M. (2004). A Genetic Switch: Phage Lambda Revisited, 3/e, Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

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