Bacteriophage Ecology Group

Bacteriophage Ecology Group Bacteriophage Ecology Group

Glossary of Bacteriophage Terms

In alphabetical order (below) or in reverse order of addition (further below):

Abortive infection (Abi)Abortive transduction (GG)Absolute burst sizeAbsolute efficiency of plating (PT),  Active penetration (G)ActinophageActive-passive treatmentActive phage therapyActive treatmentAdolescent periodAdsorption (MT),  Adsorption affinityAdsorption capacityAdsorption cofactorAdsorption (rate) constant (MT),  Adsorption efficiencyAdsorption mediaAdsorption proteinAdsorption rate (MT),  Adsorption resistanceAdsorption synchronization (G)Adult period (G)Alysogeny (GG)Amber mutation (GG)Amplification (G)AntiholinAnti-phage serumAnti-receptorAntirestrictionAntitermination (GG)AptitudeArchaeal virus (G)Artificial lysisAssembly (virion) AttachmentAttachment proteinAttachment siteAutolysisAutophageAverage burst sizeBaseplateBacteria-like phage population growth (G)Bacteria-like phage survival properties (G)Bacterial resistance to phages (G)Bacterial virusBacteriocinBacteriocynogenyBacteriolysantBacteriophagum intestinalBinary phageBacteriophage (MPD),  Bacteriophage-insensitive mutants (BIMs)Biocontrol (G)Blue whale unitBound free phage (MT),  Bred phageBudding (G)Bull's eye plaque (PT),  BurstBurst Size (MPD),  Campbell model (GG)Capacity (MT) (PT),  Capsid (MPD),  Capsomere (GG) CapsuleCarrier state (G)CaudoviralesChronic infectionChronically infecting phageChronic releasecI / CI (IT),  CI repressor (IT),  cII / CII (IT),  Clear mutant (IT) (PT),  Clear plaque (IT) (PT),  Clear-plaque mutant (IT) (PT),  Cocktail (phage cocktail)Coinfection (IT) (MT),  ColiphageComplete phage particleConfluent lysis (PT),  Constant periodCRISPRCroCrude lysateCryptic prophageCulture lysisDefective prophageDepressor effectDestructive infection (IT),  d'Hérelle (1917)d'Hérelle phenomenonDiffusion (PT), Direct-plating plaquing method (PT),  Double agar overlay (PT),  Double-overlay plaquing method (PT),  Divalent cationDNA modificationEarly geneEclipseEffective burst sizeEfficiency of center of infection (ECOI) (PT),  Efficiency of infectionEfficiency of plating (PT),  EncounterEnd-point determinationEndolysinEnzybioticEPS depolymerase (PT),  Extracellular searchExtrusionForeign genesFilamentous phageFree phage (MT),  Generalized transductionGhostHard times hypothesisHead (MPD),  Heteroimmune (IT),  High molecular weight bacteriocinHigh molecular weight pyocinHolinHomoimmune (MPD) (IT),  Host enzymeHost-genome degradationHost rangeHost range broadeningHost range narrowingHost-range switchHost-lethal proteinHost-range expansionHost-range switchImmediate lytic cycleImmediate lytic infectionImmediately productiveImmunity (IT),  Immunity group (IT),  Immunity region (IT),  Immunity to ghostsImmunity type (IT),  InactivationIncomplete phage particleIndicator bacteria (PT),  Induced lytic cycleInduced lytic infectionInduced productive infectionInducing agentInductionInfected bacteria (MT),  Infection (MT),  Infection vigorInfectious center (PT),  Infective center (PT),  InjectionInoviridaeInsertionInsertion siteIntemperateInundative treatmentIrreversible adsorption (MT),  Juvenile periodKilling the winnerKilling titer (MT),  Kinetic determinationLambda repressorLambdoid phagesLate geneLatent periodLateral tail fiberLawn (PT),  LiberationLong tail fiberLysateLysinLysisLysis curveLysis from withinLysis from withoutLysis inhibition (PT),  Lysis inhibition collapseLysis profileLysis timingLysogen (MPD) (IT),  LysogenicLysogenic bacteriumLysogenic conversionLysogenic cultureLysogenic cycle (MPD) (IT),  Lysogenic infection (IT),   Lysogenic phageLysogenic state (IT),  Lysognization (IT),  LysogenyLysozymeLytic cycle (MPD),  Lytic infectionLytic-lysogeny decision (IT),  Lytic phageMass action (MT),  MaturationMaturation periodMature virionMicrobe-mediated biocontrol of microorganismsMicrocolony (PT),  Minimum latent periodMixed-indicator method (PT),  Mixed infectionMOIactual (MT),  MOIinput (MT),  MonophageMonovalent cationMoronMoron acquisitionMultiple adsorption (MT),  Multiple infection (MT),  Multiplicity of adsorption (MT),  Multiplicity of infection (MT),  Mutual exclusionMycobacteriophage (MPD),  Myoviridae (MPD),  Nonreceptive bacteriumNumerical refugeObligately chronic infectionObligately chronic phageObligately lytic infectionObligately lytic phageObligately productive cycleObligately productive infectionObligately productive phageOne-step growthPackagingParental cellParental infection (PT),  Parental phagePassive phage therapyPassive treatmentPermissive hostPhage (MPD),  PhagesPhage-based biocontrolPhage CTXΦPhage coursePhage cross experimentsPhage displayPhage ecologyPhage-escape mutantPhage exclusionPhage genePhage genomePhage historyPhage hostPhage lambda (λ)Phage M13Phage particlePhage populationPhage population growth (PT),  Phage progenyPhage receptorPhage-resistant bacteriaPhage-sensitive bacteriaPhage-susceptibility typePhage-susceptible bacteriaPhage T1Phage T2Phage T3Phage T4Phage T5Phage T6Phage T7Phage therapyPhage typePhage typing (PT),  Phage virulencePhagologistPlaque (MPD) (PT),  Plaque count (PT),  Plaque fecundity (PT),  Plaque formation (PT),  Plaque-forming ability (PT),  Plaque-forming unit (PT),  Plaque halo (PT),  Plaque morphology (PT),  Plaque productivity (PT),  Plaque yield (PT),  Plasmid prophagePodoviridae (MPD),  Poisson distribution (MT),  Polylysogeny (IT),  PolyphagePortal (MPD),  Post eclipsePreadsorption (PT),  Primary adsorptionPrimary infectionProductive infectionProductive cycleProfessionally lyticProphage (IT),  Prophage curedProphage excisionPremature lysisPseudolysogenic statePseudolysogenic infectionPseudolysogenyRapid lysisRapid lysis mutantReaction-diffusion (PT),  Receptor affinityReceptor binding domainReduced infection vigor (PT),  Reduction to a prophageReductive infectionRelative efficiency of plating (PT),  ReleaseRelease periodRepressor (IT),  Resident prophage (IT),  Residual fraction (MT),  Resistance to lysis from withoutRestrictionRestrictive host (IT) (PT),  Restrictive infection (IT),  Restrictive infection (narrow definition)Reversible adsorption RiseRise periodSaturation (MT),  Secondary adsorption (MT),  Secondary infection (IT) (MT),  Secondary phageSecondary virusSingle infection (MT),  Single burst experimentSingle step growthSiphoviridae (MPD),  Site-specific recombinationSoft agar overlay (PT),  Specialized transductionSpotting (PT),  Superinfection (IT) (MT),  Superinfection exclusionSuperinfection immunity (IT),  T phagesT-even phagesT-odd phagesTail (MPD),  Tail chaparone frameshift (MPD),  Tail fiberTail tip assemblyTailed phageTailless phageTailocinTapemeasure protein (MPD),  Target bacteria (MT),  Temperate phage (MPD) (IT),  Temporal programTiter (MT) (PT),  Total phage yieldTotal virion countTransductionTranslocationTwort (1915)Twort-d'Hérelle phenomenonUptake Vegetative phageViral coat proteinVirionVirion-like phage population growth (G)Virion morphologyVirion morphogenesisVirion progenyVirulenceVirulent mutant (IT),  Virulent phage (IT),  Virus particle (MT),  Wavefront (PT),  Whole phages

(G) means to be loaded from glossary manuscript.
(GG) means found in the Glossary of Genetics.
(IT) means listed under "Immunity terms".
(MT) means listed under "Multiplicity terms".
(PT) means listed under "Plaque terms".
(MPD) means found in Mycobacteriophage Glossary.

See also,  Immunity termsMultiplicity termsPlaque terms

Order of addition of terms (reverse):  (128) Infected bacteria 120807  (127) Adsorption rate 120807  (126) Wavefront 120807  (125) Soft agar overlay 120807  (124) Restrictive host 120807  (123) Relative efficiency of plating 120807  (122) Reaction-diffusion 120807  (121) Preadsorption 120807  (120) Plaque yield 120807  (119) Plaque productivity 120807  (118) Plaque morphology 120807  (117) Plaque halo 120807  (116) Infectious center 120807  (115) Plaque fecundity 120719  (114) Plaque count 120719  (113) Phage population growth 120719  (112) Parental infection 120718  (111) Mixed-indicator method 120718  (110) Microcolony 120718  (109) Lysis inhibition 120718  (108) EPS depolymerase 120718  (107) Direct-plating plaquing method 120718  (106) Diffusion 120717  (105) Confluent lysis 120717  (104) Clear mutant 120717  (103) Bull's eye plaque 120717  (102) Absolute efficiency of plating 120717  (101) Phage history 120714  (100) Phages 120714  (99) Destructive infection 120714  (98) Immediately productive 120714  (97) Reduced infection vigor 120620  (96) Lytic phage 120619  (95) Lambdoid phages 120617  (94) Phage population 120221  (93) Aptitude 111025  (92) Adsorption efficiency 111023  (91) cI / CI 111022  (90) Lysognization 111022  (89) Productive infection 111022  (88) Repressor 111022  (87) Lytic-lysogeny decision 111022  (86) Superinfection immunity 111022  (85) Immunity group 111022  (84) Clear-plaque mutant 111016  (83) Lytic infection 111016  (82) Lysogenic infection 111016  (81) Virulent mutant 111016  (80) Intemperate 111016  (79) Immunity region 111016  (78) Heteroimmune 111016  (77) Polyphage 110901  (76) Monophage 110901  (75) Secondary infection 110801  (74) Adsorption resistance 110731  (73) Adsorption affinity 110727  (72) Adolescent period 110727  (71) Phage typing 110727  (70) Lateral tail fiber 110726  (69) Phage particle 110726  (68) Tailocin 110726  (67) Single infection 110706  (66) Vegetative phage 110706  (65) Virulent phage 110706  (64) Burst 110704  (63) Liberation 110704  (62) Virion 110630  (61) Transduction 110630  (60) Titer 110630  (59) Temperate phage 110630  (58) Tailed phage 110630  (57) Superinfection 110630  (56) Spotting 110630  (55) Single step growth 110630  (54) Secondary adsorption 110629  (53) Rise 110629  (52) Prophage 110629  (51) Plaque-forming unit 110629  (50) Plaque 110629  (49) Phage therapy 110629  (48) Phage receptor 110629  (47) Multiplicity of infection 110629  (46) Lytic cycle 110629  (45) Lysogenic phage 110XXX  (44) Lysogenic cycle 110629  (43) Lysogen 110629  (42) Lysis from without 110629  (41) Lysis from within 110629  (40) Lysin 110629  (39) Lysate 110629  (38) Lawn 110629  (37) Latent period 110629  (36) Killing titer 110629  (35) Killing the winner 110629  (34) Irreversible adsorption 110629  (33) Insertion 110629  (32) Infective center 110629  (31) Infection 110629  (30) Induction 110628  (29) Residual fraction 110627  (28) Indicator bacteria 110627  (27) Immunity 110627  (26) Host range 11067  (25) Holin 110626  (24) Ghost 110626  (23) Free phage 110626  (22) Filamentous phage 110626  (21) Encounter 110626  (20) Efficiency of plating 110608  (19) Efficiency of center of infection (ECOI) 110607  (18) Eclipse 110607  (17) Depressor effect 110607  (16) CRISPR 110606  (15) Coinfection 110605  (14) Chronic infection 110605  (13) Capsid 110605  (12) Capacity 110530  (11) Bred phage 110530  (10) Bacteriophage-insensitive mutants (BIMs) 110529  (9) Attachment site 110529  (8) Attachment 110529  (7) Antirestriction 110529  (6) Adsorption (rate) constant 110529  (5) Adsorption cofactor 110529  (4) Adsorption 110529  (3) Active treatment 110529  (2) Abortive infection (Abi) 110529  (1) Burst Size 110527 

See also General biology and microbiology terms and Mycobacteriophage Glossary (MPD).

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